As we wrap up 2016 celebrating with family and friends, The National Drug Council (NDC) wishes each and everyone a joyous and safe festive season. We are pleased with the level of support garnered this year and the tremendous partnerships with our generous sponsors, in order to be able to offer the Designated Driver which runs from 1st December to 31st December 2016 and the Purple Ribbon Bus service for New Year’s Eve, 31st December 2016, from 9 pm to 3 am. This year marks sixteen (16) years since the inception of such partnerships between the NDC and local organizations to provide the Designated Driver Programme and the New Year’s Eve Purple Ribbon Bus service, during the Holiday Season. Over the years, thousands of revelers have utilized the free bus service on New Year’s Eve, which was established with the aim of reducing the number of drink driving incidents on our roads. In 2015 there were no reported incidents of drunk driving or related arrests made on New Year’s Eve.
The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Inc. advises that alcohol is a depressant because it slows down the functions of the central nervous system. This means that normal brain function is delayed, and a person is unable to perform normally. Alcohol affects a person’s information-processing skills, also known as cognitive skills, and hand-eye coordination, also referred to as psychomotor skills.
Consuming alcohol prior to driving greatly increases the risk of car accidents, highway injuries, and vehicular deaths. The greater the amount of alcohol consumed, the more likely a person is to be involved in an accident. When alcohol is consumed, many of the skills that safe driving requires – such as judgment, concentration, comprehension, coordination, visual acuity, and reaction time – become impaired. Don’t ruin your holiday or that of someone else’s by driving drunk.
Designated Driver Programme 2016
A significant number of local restaurants, bars and clubs have lent their support and will participate in the Designated Driver Programme this year. This programme is simple; persons who identify themselves as a Designated Driver to their server will be given a turquoise wristband which will allow them to receive free non-alcoholic beverages all evening. The NDC is indebted to the number of participating establishments for their contribution to the safety and welfare of our communities and for doing their part to reduce drunk driving during this holiday season.
Any other establishments wishing to participate in the Designated Driver Programme should contact the NDC on 949-9000 to confirm their participation and request the purple wristbands. The Purple Ribbon Bus service is being made possible through the generous sponsorship of Dart, Jacques Scott Group Ltd, Cayman National Bank, Maples FS, Greenlight RE, EcayTrade, Mourant Ozannes, Foster’s Food Fair – IGA and in partnership with the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS).
The NDC is still seeking some additional support to ensure that there is a full complement of free buses operating beginning at 9 pm on New Year’s Eve. There are currently eight (8) buses secured with a goal of ten (10) buses which will ensure shorter wait times and more efficient service. The buses will run regular routes from West Bay through George Town and to the Eastern districts (Bodden Town, East End and North Side) hourly between the hours of 9 pm and 3 am.
Thanks to a special arrangement with the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, we have been able to increase the visibility of the Purple Ribbon Buses for 2016. Each bus will now have flashing purple lights placed on the dash ensuring that the buses will be easier to identify. Additionally, finding the routes is easy; all you have to do is scan the bar code below which will take you to the site and provide you with all the information you will need to arrive safely at your destination.
[blockquote]“This is a FREE bus service, so whether you’re in George Town or West Bay, we anticipate having buses every 15 to 20 minutes, and for the Eastern districts every hour. Look out for a bus with purple lights, flag it down and ride for free! We are certainly very thankful to the RCIPS for granting permission for us to use the purple lights; this takes the service to a more highly visual level. Our buses will make continued stops at all bus stops, all major restaurants and bars , and we are encouraging residents and visitors alike to use this free and safe service,” [blockquote-footer] explained Mrs. Watson. [/blockquote-footer] [/blockquote]
The message is clear and simple: Don’t Drink & Drive – Either designate a driver or use the “Purple Ribbon Buses”
For more information, please call Brenda Watson of the National Drug Council on 949-9000.
This New Year’s Eve, Don’t Drink & Drive. Ride FREE on the Purple Ribbon Bus