National Drug Council Cayman Islands

The National Drug Council would like to extend a special thank you to its sponsors, media and the residents of the Cayman Islands for a successful 2014 Purple Ribbon Bus service. Health City Cayman, Jacques Scott Group and Cayman National Bank answered the call on December 31st to ensure that this vital service would be offered on New Year’s Eve. It was good ol’ fashion “all hands on deck” race to get the message broadcasted, due to an initial lack of sponsorship. Cayman 27, Cayman News Service, Radio Cayman, dms Broadcasting, Hurley’s Entertainment, Paramount Media, and our volunteers exercised all forms of mass media and foot patrol to inform Cayman.

Notably, the first reports estimated approximately 500 party goers utilised the bus service and got home safely. By the end of the night we believe that, that initial number doubled. A Denver Colorado family learned about the free bus service from a hotel representative and chose to use it as their mode of transportation for the night. Additionally, a visiting resident from Jamaica, rode the bus and so was excited with her experience she then encouraged tourists to come aboard (see photos attached).

This is the 14th year the Purple Ribbon service has been offered. The NDC will continue to collaborate with sponsors, event planners and residents to ensure that the 2015 service will be the best.

To learn more about the National Drug Council, its initiatives and mandates visit our website at