National Drug Council Cayman Islands

  • To keep under review the situation in the Islands with respect to the abuse of drugs.
  • To conduct research into, and develop and maintain a database of information on drug abuse in the Islands.
  • To formulate and develop drug prevention and rehabilitation policies and programmes.
  • To advise the Minister on drug prevention and rehabilitation policies and programmes; the licensing and operation of treatment and rehabilitation centres; drug supply control measures; and law reform relating to the misuse of drugs.
  • To educate the public, particularly the young, on the dangers of drug abuse, and to initiate, sponsor and support conferences, seminars, and meetings related to drug abuse.
  • To promote and support training in the field of Drug Abuse Prevention and Rehabilitation.
  • To promote and encourage the establishment of a system to coordinate the treatment and rehabilitation of drug abusers and the care of persons associated with drug abusers.
  • To establish and operate treatment centres.